
We have a greenhouse which is 55 m2 large and which has been added to our house. The greenhouse has been divided into three sections. One is 28 m², one is 18 m² and one is 9 m². The minimum temperature in the largest section is 2 degrees Celsius, the middle section is kept frost free and the smallest section has no heat so the minimum temperature depends on how cold the winters are.


We use the greenhouse especially for growing small bulbous and tuberous plants. Part of those plants would be perfectly capable of surviving outdoors but we choose to keep them in pots in the house in order to make it easier for us to follow their growth and blooming – some bloom already in January/February.

We grow many different plants in the greenhouse but are especially interested in dwarf plants from the Narcissus, Fritillaria, Colchicum, Iris, Sternbergia and Tulipa genera. We also have a large collection of Oxalis laciniata, adenophylla and enneaphylla which are all hardy outside; however, we keep them in pots in the cold house in order to select the best forms. We also have some Cyclamen species in the house while growing some of them outdoors.

All plants are being repotted once a year while we harvest excess bulbs and tubers. Each year around 1 August, we prepare a list of excess bulbs and tubers which we sell. The list can be required by contacting us via mail.

Oxalis overview

Tecophilaea Cyanocrocus overview

Greenhouse overview

Greenhouse overview
